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Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.  – National Curriculum  2014

“All children are artists” – Pablo Picasso


Here at Crowle First School exploring the arts is built into all areas of the curriculum, wherever possible.

As a school we enjoy celebrating the art that is created through displays, assemblies and sharing work with pupils and parents. 


These are elements that can be found in every lesson (not always in this exact order):

Begin a lesson with a short review of previous learning.

Present new material in small steps with pupils practicing after each step.

Teacher gives clear and detailed instructions/explanations.

Ask questions and check for understanding.

Teacher thinks aloud and models steps.

Ask pupils to explain what they have learnt.

Check the responses of all students.

Provide systematic feedback and corrections.

If necessary, use more time to provide explanations.

Reteach material, if necessary.

Prepare students for independent practice.

Monitor students when they begin their independent task.


We have been granted the Gold Artsmark Award. 

Throughout our journey we wanted to take the opportunity to immerse our children in a wide range of art activities, to inspire them going forward.  Just some of the activities we offered our children throughout this journey was:


C. Brett came in to school to introduce us to cello playing


Severn Arts – Introduction to brass instruments

Indian Dance Workshop

Art work submitted to Worcester Cathedral

Dance choreographer in to work with all children for half a term



School elephant submitted to St Richards Hospice “Big Elephant” hunt around Worcester


Y3/4 singing at Three Counties Showground

Royal jubilee performance at the village hall


Recorded Nativity performance sent to parents


Maypole Dancing

Virtual pantomime experience for all children

KS1 and KS2 trips to CBSO, Birmingham


Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat performance (Y2 – Y4) with local arts company


“Visual Arts Workshop” with Severn Arts (Y3/4)

Whole school puppet show performance

Malvern Link theatre opportunities shared with all children

Poet (Matt Black) to work with Y3/4


Musical Theatre after school club offered (Summer term)

Weekly recorder lessons



Mr. Halliday instrument introduction sessions (weekly) in Spring term (clarinet, flute etc)


Y1/2 – Ukulele lessons

Y3/4 – Clarinet lessons

Circus skills after school club (Spring term)


Weekly ukulele lessons offered (Mr. Halliday)


Crowle Christmas Tree Competition (winners!)

The impact of the Artsmark was that children were enthused to learn more about the arts.  We had children try out new skills for the first time, and even ask their parents if they could take up a new hobby!  

Here are some useful links to develop art in the home: – BBC Bitesize Art and Design – Art UK – The Tate – kids zone! – National Gallery of Art – kids zone! – Art games – Picasso head game Getty games



Here are some documents regarding the Art Curriculum at Crowle First School: