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Change Of Age

Crowle CE First School Consulatation - Oct 2020

The Diocese of Worcester Multi Academy Trust and the Local Academy Board of Crowle CE First School are proposing to change the age range from the present first school age range of 4-9 years to a primary age range of 4-11 years.

The PAN of 15 children per year group will be maintained.

The proposal will;

  • give parents and carers the choice to continue their child’s primary education in one setting, without the need to change school for the start of Year 5. This will provide continuity of education throughout the primary years leading up to the SATs in Year 6. Approaches to teaching and learning would be consistent across the full age range.
  • improve the educational outcomes for all pupils as school staff will know and understand the needs of each individual child for an extra 2 years
  • provide more opportunity for siblings to attend the same school
  • provide closer contact for parents/carers with school staff over a longer period of time. A more continuous relationship between the school, parents, carers and outside agencies can ensure that all pupils, but particularly those with special educational needs, are supported effectively through to the end of Year 6
  • help sustain the long term viability of Crowle CE First School by making the school an attractive option to a wider group of parents
  • align the school with other local schools within the area following the recent age range change within the Avonreach Multi Academy Trust (Cherry Orchard Primary, Norton CE Primary and Inkberrow Primary), the recent change of age to Flyford Flavell First School which became a primary school from September 2020 and the change to a primary school for Himbleton CE First School from September 2021
  • Enable the school to grow its staff team which will result in a broader skill set and greater capacity to for sustained school improvement

The Local Academy Board and staff at Crowle CE First School believes the school can offer a high quality educational experience for children from their Reception year right though to Year 6, the end of the primary phase. The transition to High School will then coincide with the end of Key Stage 2 and the children will be well placed to start their Key Stage 3 journey from Year 7 in one setting.

Further information can be found:

Consultation letter

Consultation to all stakeholders

Our consultation outcome was sent to the Regional School's Commissioner, and was then passed on to the National School's Commissioner.  We await a response regarding whether this will be accepted or not.

We have planning permission already granted for our Y5/6 classroom.


Pershore-wide Consultation - Oct 2021

However, in the meantime the Pershore Pyramid has decided to do a Pershore wide decision about all First/Middle schools, to find out what parents would like.  They are now commencing their own consultation to all stakeholders, which Crowle First School will continue to be part of.  

Ultimately, this Pershore-wide transition is being undertaken because the LA and local MAT's want to ensure:

  • every child has a clear and transparent education journey
  • schools are supported to deliver good education outcomes in a stable and known education system
  • schools are able to deliver a full curriculum and remain sustainable and financially viable

The Pershore-wide consultation runs from 11th October to 26th November 2021.

Further information can be found on the following link:


Change of Age - May 2023

The DOWMAT have released the following letter (below) to explain the current situation with the "Change of Age."  As ever, it is frustrating that we are paused in the process once again.  However, it seems that the earliest we will have a Year 5 class will be from September 2025.


Change of Age - June 2024

Worcestershire County Council released a letter (below) to state that they shall be going back out to consultation with all stakeholders in the Autumn Term (Sep 2024) and if agreed, then we shall keep Year 5 pupils from Sep 2025 and will have a Y5/6 class from Sep 2026 - with them going on to their Secondary school choice from September 2027.