Health And Wellbeing
All staff are alert to other events that can lead to learning difficulties or wider mental health difficulties, such as bullying or bereavement. Such events will not always lead to children having SEN but it can have an impact on wellbeing and sometimes this can be severe. We have no tolerance attitude to bullying and robust systems in place to address any concerns that parents or children may have, which prevent problems escalating. In case of other mental health difficulties, the School works closely with parents in the first instance to offer coordinated support at school and at home, for example, through the use of visual timetables and advice on sleep patterns and home/school comment books or additional meetings to share celebrations from school and home.
In some cases, the child's needs may requiring referral to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), These measures ensure that appropriate provision is made for a child’s short-term needs in order to prevent problems escalating. Where there are long-lasting difficulties we may consider whether the child might have SEN.
Our commitment to the health and well being of our pupils is further evidenced by the development of our curriculum to include wellbeing days.
Support we can offer.
All members of staff are committed to the emotional health of your children. The positive culture of praise and celebration supports a rise in the children's self esteem. The introduction of 'marvellous mistakes' has encouraged the children to take risks in their learning, learning from their mistakes rather than worrying about them.
We offer a range of bespoke interventions which are detailed below.
Relax Kids - offers children and young people self regulation and resilience through classes, books and audio resources. The school feel very lucky to have Charlotte in school with us every Friday. She runs a session as an intervention for children referred in by the SENDCo followed by a session for anyone who wants to participate after school. Please note there is a charge and sessions must be booked in advance for the after school session.
Reach for Wellbeing runs Little Explorers, a 6 week program for children and their parents focussing on raising self esteem and reducing anxiety.
Bereavement Counselling is offered to children who are struggling to cope with the loss of a family member. Charlotte is trained by Winston's Wish.
Lunch with the teacher for some of our children the busy school day does not provide the time they need to connect and form trusting relationships with their teacher. Teachers are happy to share their lunch times to support children who need to talk through their worries.