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Meet the Staff


Mrs M Abbott                               

Class Teachers

Mrs S Dixon teaches Years 3 & 4

Miss L Johnson teaches Years 1 & 2  

Miss K Uzzell teaches Early Years Foundation Stage

Mrs L Lindsay teaches Early Years Foundation Stage and PE

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Special Educational Needs Coordinator

Pupil Premium Coordinator

Designated Teacher for Looked After Children

and Previously Looked After Children


Mrs M Abbott

Miss L Johnson and Mrs S Dixon

Mrs S Bryan

Mrs M Abbott

Mrs M Abbott



Teaching Assistants

Miss P Simpson supports in Reception (part time)

Mrs K Kempson supports in Reception (part time)

Mrs. N Jackson  supports in Years 1 & 2

Mrs J Dyble supports in Year 3 & 4 (part time)

Mrs A Thirlby supports in Y 3 & 4 (part time)




Mrs J Cooper works from 8.30 am every morning.

Lunchtime Supervisors

Mrs A Thirlby

Mrs T Jones

Mrs D Cox


Grounds Maintenance

Mr S White