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Our Church

We are very fortunate to be able to walk to our local church in Crowle. Not only is it a place of Worship but a valuable resource to support the children's understanding of Christianity.  Each half term we invite parents to a Family Service held in the church and led by Reverend Richard Sandland. Once a month the members of 'Open the Book' come into school and bring alive the bible stories through drama and storytelling.  

Click here to link to Crowle Church Website                                                                                                    

The children in year 3 and 4 used the Church as the basis of their computing work during a recent local history topic.  The children visited the Church to take photos of it from their perspective.  They collected their ideas about why the church was important to them and our school as a whole.  With Reverend Morris' help the children went on to develop a webpage within the church website.  To find out more visit the church website and click on the tab for Crowle School.


The Diocese of Worcester is one of 41 (42 including the Diocese in Europe) that make up the Church of England.

Diocese Of Worcester Children, Youth and Education   

Click the link above to find information about the Diocese of Worcester’s work in schools and tertiary education, adult education and children’s and youth work. 

There are just over 100 church schools in the diocese and the Diocese of Worcester offer programmes and resources to all schools in the area as well as resources for churches working with schools. 

The Worcester Board of Education, which includes the Executive Standing Committee and the Education Committee, directs and oversees the work of the Diocesan Department for Education team.