Early Years
In Reception the curriculum is based on Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). The EYFS sets standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years old. The ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’ underpin everything we do in Early Years. These guide staff to reflect on the different ways in which children learn.
The curriculum is delivered through continual provision and small group activities designed to specifically target key areas of learning. Alongside our school vision of every child being "caring, confident and committed to learning" we have a clear emphasis on offering exciting learning opportunities (both indoors and outdoors) that extends children's vocabulary, and enables them to make connections across their learning.
Our environment is specifically set up to provide children with access to a range of free choice learning opportunities which are initiated from their individual interests. We always ensure children have time to explore a range of aspects of learning and development: mark making (early writing); maths; creative; reading; communication; social interaction to name a few.
Whilst children have free choice of activities, highly trained staff will intervene when needed to move learning forward. Key learning points are modelled in circle time or scaffolded through group work or with individuals.
Further information regarding our Crowle EYFS Curriculum (including our long term plan, topics and vocab taught) can be found on the Powerpoint below:
EYFS Curriculum at Crowle First School
We also have clear "checkpoints" that we assess children against throughout the year. These are shared with parents, and are used in school to regularly assess children's progress and to implement a support program for children who are not yet meeting the checkpoints at the required times. Details of our checkpoints can be found below:
Communication and Language Checkpoints
Personal, Social and Emotional Development / Literacy Checkpoints
Physical Development Checkpoints
Understanding the World Checkpoints
Expressive Arts and Design Checkpoints
We recognise parents as the key to enabling children to feel settled in school, and to make the best possible progress. We work hard to offer parents a range of opportunities to come in to school, to work alongside their child and speak to their class teacher about all the fantastic things they have accomplished and also what their next steps will be. Parents are invited to join us at all of the following:
- An open door policy both before/after school
- Transition meeting before their child starts at Crowle First School
- Phonics Meeting in September
- Monthly "Family Friday" events, to come and work with their child in their classroom
- Half termly Family Service's held at Crowle Church
- Parents Evening in October and February
- Another phonics meeting in January
- End of Year Report sent home to parents
- Seesaw (online) as a way of sharing home learning with the class teacher
Further useful documents can be found below: